Lotta Lyrå appointed chair of Swedish Forest Industries Federation

Photo: Södra Södra

Lotta Lyrå, President and CEO of Södra, a world-leading industry processing forest raw materials into renewable products, is to be the new chair of the Swedish Forest Industries Federation. She replaces Ulf Larsson in the position and has been elected for a two-year term.

Hi Lotta! How does it feel to become chair of Swedish Forest Industries? 
“I’m really excited to have the opportunity to participate and contribute in my new role! We work on many issues in an industry that is absolutely vital for the EU, Sweden, and the green transition. We use forests as a starting point for the fossil transition, and as forests grow, they act as carbon sinks and support biodiversity. It feels fantastic to be part of that mix.”

You often talk about how forests offer so many different benefits. Which benefits do you think are most important to develop?
“At Södra, we have a platform which we often use to talk about the benefits forests have to offer. It’s a beautiful green platform that stands firmly on four legs that symbolise four key benefits of active forest management: the replacement of fossil materials, forests as carbon sinks, a more robust countryside, and biodiversity.

“If I had to choose a favourite leg, it would be the first one. Active use of forests produces a renewable raw material that replaces fossil products and fossil energy. We use forests as a fantastic source of raw material for products that replace fossil fuels. This can be in construction as energy in everything from district heating to electricity, or something else entirely – with consideration for the other three legs of the platform, of course. Active use of forests is absolutely vital to enabling the replacement of fossil materials.”

Swedish Forest Industries have formulated their response to the EU’s political agenda. Which issue do you think should be prioritised ahead of the upcoming EU elections? 
“A key issue is forests as providers of products for the future bioeconomy and the role that those products play in the EU’s efforts to achieve its climate goals. This issue is also related to competitiveness. Realising sustainability over time requires economic growth, that’s when you achieve true sustainability.”

A greener, stronger European Union

Being alone is not a position of strength. The EU is an association of democratic countries that, since the second world war, have built strong economies and a common internal market. At a time of uncertainty and geopolitical threat, this co-operation is especially important.

This summer sees elections to the EU Parliament. A new EU Commission will also be appointed with a new political programme for the Union’s next term of office. As an introduction to this programme, Swedish Forest Industries is highlighting four areas where we see that our industry can contribute. We are convinced that a climate-neutral, resilient and competitive EU, which prioritises a circular, bio-based economy, is the way forward.

Read more about the Swedish Forest Industries’ contribution to the EU’s political agenda here.