Bioenergy Europe is pleased to invite you to the unveiling of the Deloitte Report titled Towards an Integrated Energy System: Assessing Bioenergy's Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact.
The presentation of the report will be followed by a panel discussion with the industry and policy makers to debate the opportunities of the energy transition from the perspective of the bioenergy value-chain and discuss current and future legislative framework to deliver on EU climate and energy targets, and the role of bioenergy in this transition.
- Catharina Sikow-Magny, Director of Green Transition and Energy System Integration, DG Energy, European Commission
- Nils Torvalds, MEP, European Parliament
- Enrique Doheijo, Director of Energy Department, Deloitte
- David Rose, Director, LACS Training (moderator)
- Kamila Waciega, Director of Energy & Public Affairs, Veolia
- Julien Blondeau, Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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