Statistics on what is required for the forestry industry to produce, such as raw materials and energy.
The Swedish forest-based industry mainly uses raw materials from Swedish forests. In 2022, the forest industry used 69,5 million cubic meters of domestic raw material and 6,3 million was imported. Half of the raw material is used as sawn timber, the other half goes to pulp and paper mills. The sawmills then supply raw material for the manufacture of different forms of wooden boards, and also to the pulp and paper industry and the energy sector.
Sweden exports fresh fiber to Europe, where access to raw material is more limited than in Sweden and Finland, for example. The fresh fiber can then be reused in paper production. A wood fiber can be reused several times.
The Swedish forest industry consumes an average of 18 TWh of electricity per year (2021). This accounts for slightly over 14 percent of Sweden's total electricity consumption. Simultaneously, the companies produce 40 percent of the electricity they require themselves, such as through hydro or wind power.