IPCC recognizes the benefits of renewable raw materials

Photo: Björn Leijon

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has published a new report that shows the need for immediate action to reach the climate goals set out in the Paris Agreement. Transport, energy, and land use are among the sectors deemed in urgent need of reform. The forest is acknowledged as a significant factor in climate change mitigation.

“The IPCC acknowledges the total climate benefit of forests. The report contains several important conclusions about the importance of active forest management and the use of renewable raw materials in fighting climate change. Increasingly, fossil-based products and materials are being replaced by renewable alternatives, which the IPCC notes is a major step forward”, says Magnus Berg, Head of Business Policies at the Swedish Forest Industries.

The IPCC releases a new scientific overview every seven years. The most recent report puts the emphasis on solutions and policies needed to reach the Paris Agreement climate targets. The main conclusion is that drastic efforts are needed immediately for the climate goals to remain relevant. Carbon emissions increased by approximately 59 GtCO2 in 2019, and only a few countries and sectors have managed to break or slow down the negative trend.

“For the world to have chance to turn the tide, strong measures need to be taken. For example, the IPCC underlines the need for renewable raw materials to counteract climate change and reduce the use of fossil fuels. These insights need to be fully taken into account in ongoing EU policy developments, such as LULUCF and RED III. Renewable raw materials are used as building materials, fuel, chemicals, packaging and textiles. Everything made from oil can be made of wood. Our industry is an important piece of the puzzle in the fight against climate change and the IPCC report acknowledges that”, says Emma Berglund, Forest Director for EU and international affairs at Swedish Forest Industries.